28 January 2025
22 January 2025
20 December 2024
26 July 2018
Jakarta (26/10) – As an innovative natural medicine producer, SGH participated in the Indonesia Science Expo (ISE) 2017 event organized by LIPI located at Balai Kartini, 23-26 October 2017. This time the event held in special occasion to celebrate LIPI’s 50 years of service and carried out the theme “Science for a Sustainable Future”.
ISE is an exhibition to showcase the results of research work of Indonesian young researchers. This time there are about 100 applicative research works of Indonesian young researchers exhibited in this event and 40+ booths from institutions and industries participated in this exhibition. One of them is SOHO Global Health booth that looks attractive, showcased SGH's prominent products and visited by many students and mothers. For four days, SGH showcased an array products and promotions for purchasing Curcuma Plus, Fitkom, Imboost, Dianeral, Calorease, and more.
Attending the opening ceremony was the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture of Indonesia, Mrs. Puan Maharani, and invited guests from various ministries of Research and Technology, LIPI, Commission VII DPR RI, researchers and activist researchers in Indonesia, and also innovation-based industries.
We are honored that Made Dharma Wijaya, Executive Vice President of Supply Operations and Distribution, gained a trust to deliver a speech in this prestigious event representing PT Soho Industri Pharmasi. In this occasion, Made delivered a keynote speech entitled "R & D Management: Additional Value Enhancement Through Innovation“.
On the third day of the event in the award-winning series of Science-Based Industrial Innovation (SBII) Awards 2017, a Talk Show was held with the theme "The Importance of Innovation for Industry" where Pak Made became one of the speakers representing PT Soho Industri Pharmasi. This session ended with the signing of the cooperation agreement (MoU) between PT Soho and LIPI to create synergy to bring Indonesian research to the next level.
PT Soho Industri Pharmasi became an award-winning finalist of SBII Awards 2017. Other finalists who also became nominees for SBII Awards 2017 are PT Kalbe Farma, Kino, Caprifarmindo Laboratories, PT Pindad, Pupuk Kaltim, and Petrokimia Gresik. The award winner for category Life Science was PT Kalbe Farma and for category Physical Science was Petrokimia Gresik. All SBII Awards finalists are companies committed to innovation and build a working environment that supports the process of creating innovation so that innovation becomes the culture of every employees in the company.
On the last day event, a drawing and coloring competition (science art) for kindergarten, elementary, and junior high school students were held. Goodie bag offerings from SOHO were given away to approx. 60 children who participated in the competition. Information about SOHO as a natural-based company and SOHO's flagship products such as Curcuma Plus, Fitkom and Imboost are delivered by SOHO's marketing team. The enjoyment to dance Curcuma Plus jingle and enthusiastic welcome of the participants and mothers completed this morning excitement. See you in the next exciting event!
SOHO Global Health has consistently delivered sustainable, solid financial results despite the soft market condition. In a rapidly-changing environment, the key to our success has been our ability to balance continuity with change. It has required discipline and decisive actions to build sustainable value for the long term.
21 September 2020
12 September 09/12/19
15 August 08/15/18
16 July 07/16/18
16 July 07/16/18
16 July 07/16/18
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