
18 February 2022

SOHO Officially Announced MCK Donation in Nagrak District, Sukabumi

Nagrak – (10/02/2022) The Head of Nagrak Sub-district, Mr. Sabar accompanied by Strategy Management & Corporate Affairs Senior Manager PT. SOHO Global Health, Tbk., Yuly Indarto, cut the ribbon to mark the inauguration of the building that was used for bathing, washing and defecate (“Mandi Cuci Kakus” or “MCK”) in Balekambang village, Nagrak, Sukabumi on Thursday, 10 February 2022. The event, which follows strict health protocols, was attended by the officers of Nagrak sub-district and Balekambang village.

This CSR of MCK donation has become a showcase of SOHO's participation in supporting Open Defecation Free (ODF) program initiated by the Head of Nagrak Sub-district since last year according to the direction of Sukabumi Regent. The buildings used for MCK were built using village funds where PT SOHO participated in the development of 6 toilets for this purpose in 3 villages, namely Cihanjawar, Balekambang and Babakan Panjang. The ODF program is a good collaboration among the sub-district, local government and companies/ industry engage in the health sector, in this case with PT SOHO that operates around Nagrak sub-district with its SOHO Center of Excellence in Herbal Research (SCEHR) facility.

It is our biggest hope that in the future there will be more proactive and useful collaborations between PT SOHO and the government of Nagrak sub-district in particular and the Sukabumi district in general, especially in public health and stunting prevention.

  • Annual Reports
  • Magazine

Annual Report 2019

SOHO Global Health has consistently delivered sustainable, solid financial results despite the soft market condition. In a rapidly-changing environment, the key to our success has been our ability to balance continuity with change. It has required discipline and decisive actions to build sustainable value for the long term.

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