
20 June 2022

SGH Social Responsibility through the Share the Books program “Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia"

Jakarta, June 17, 2022 - In line with SGH's purpose, to hold the care of human life as our highest priority, SGH supports English learning activities for school-age children in Sumba organized by the English Goes to Kampung (EGK) Sumba community in Lamboya village, Laboya Bawa, West Sumba through the Share the Books program: Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia.

Attended by around 60 children in various ages, which were divided into 5 classes, the English learning activity at the Lamboya learning center & library, which was attended by volunteers from SGH on May 3, 2022 was fun and enjoyable. In the Rainbow class, which consists of kindergarten and elementary school children, the activity begins with reading a book, then the children are guided by the teachers to learn to understand the meaning of the book they are reading. Sky class (which, as the name implies, makes the sky its roof) is the definition of nature classrooms where children are taught to sing in the outdoor classrooms and taught various types of English vocabulary using flash cards.

In the midst of the difficult conditions of West Sumba, poor school conditions and limited access to books, the donations and act of love of Soho Global Health (SGH) colleagues who share reading books, stationery and donations of funds really mean a lot to them. Books are really a window to the world, through books, children at EGK Sumba begin to know the world, and dare to build their dreams.

Sumbanese children and youth are the future generations of Sumba, especially in the tourism sector which relies on foreign tourists. There is a fundamental need to provide English learning resources for village youth in Sumba. Since 2015, English Goes to Kampung (EGK) has been initiated by a humanitarian and literacy activist, Roswita Asti Kulla. Today, this foundation has reached more than 1,000 Sumbanese children. However, there is still a long way to go to realize this community's mission: to make education accessible on Sumba Island.

“There’s nothing more contagious than the laughter of young children”. And to see their innocent smiles, it is our responsibility to fight for literacy. Regardless of their current (economic) situation, every child must have the same opportunity to access education and build on their hope to make their dreams come true.

  • Annual Reports
  • Magazine

Annual Report 2019

SOHO Global Health has consistently delivered sustainable, solid financial results despite the soft market condition. In a rapidly-changing environment, the key to our success has been our ability to balance continuity with change. It has required discipline and decisive actions to build sustainable value for the long term.

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