
19 May 2023

Signing of the Cooperation Agreement between PT Parit Padang Global (PPG) and PT Permata Indo Kav (BioAqua)

Jakarta (19 may 2023) - PPG has officially become the distributor of BioAqua, effective from April 1, 2023. 

PPG has been appointed and entrusted by PT Permata Indo Kav to distribute the well-known cosmetic brand, BioAqua, in the range of sunscreen and decorative products that are already well-known among the Indonesian community. 

Mr. Riyanto, as the Sales & Marketing Director of PT. Permata Indo Kav, signed the distribution agreement and handed it over to Mr. Edwin Vega Dharma, the Vice President Sales & Marketing of PT Parit Padang Global. The signing ceremony of this cooperation agreement took place at the BioAqua showroom in Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK) on Friday, May 19, 2023.

The ceremonial cutting of the first tumpeng was handed over by Mr. Riyanto to Mr. Pandy Harianto, the Vice President of Operation & Supply Chain at PT PPG. 

BioAqua is a brand that focuses on skincare with a philosophy rooted in the meaning of the words "bio" and "aqua," which symbolize the essence of life and water. Established in 2019, BioAqua now boasts a wide portfolio of around 400 SKUs and continues to grow in the future. 

PPG and BioAqua share a high level of enthusiasm to ensure the availability of BioAqua cosmetic products in Modern Trade distribution channels to cater to the needs of the Indonesian community. 

In his speech, Mr. Riyanto, as a BioAqua executive, expressed that the signing of this cooperation agreement is an important milestone to foster business growth and support the strengthening of the national economy. 

In his testimonial, Mr. Nova Prayudhi, as the Head of Sales, expressed that the appointment of PPG as BioAqua's distribution partner demonstrates a high level of trust, based on PPG's excellent track record and distribution services in Indonesia. This is indicated by their high Service Level, timely payment according to TOP (Terms of Payment), integrated systems, and cooperative team.

#sohonatural #paritpadangglobal #newprincipal #signing #agreement #bioaqua

  • Annual Reports
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Annual Report 2019

SOHO Global Health has consistently delivered sustainable, solid financial results despite the soft market condition. In a rapidly-changing environment, the key to our success has been our ability to balance continuity with change. It has required discipline and decisive actions to build sustainable value for the long term.

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