
SGH continues to maintain its leadership in Indonesia’s prescription pharmaceuticals market as pioneer and leader in the natural and herbal OTX category marketed in the medical channel. Through its Professional Products Division, the Company carries a comprehensive range of products from unbranded generics to branded generics and licensed drugs.

At Professional Products Division, we focus on researching, developing and marketing specialty-focused innovative medicines that provide significant clinical benefit and value, primarily in the therapeutic areas of immunomodulator, respiratory, inflammation, and liver diseases.

This Division comprising scalable medical representatives and highly committed to implement compliant practices in the sales and promotion of our Prescriptions products, strictly following international standards.

Imboost is now the #1 selling pharmaceutical product in Indonesia and the most valuable brand in Indonesian healthcare market. 

Some other SGH’s top products include Asthin, Curvit, Curcuma Group, Oste Forte, Noroid and Prospan.

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