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08 June 2020
JAKARTA - 3 June 2020 On paper, many studies have predicted when the Covid 19 pandemic in Indonesia will end. The imposition of large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) has also been relaxed. Gradually, starting with the first phase on June 1, industrial operations and business services have reopened, the opening of shopping centers, schools, and in early August it is hoped that all economic activities will be able to operate again.
President Joko Widodo called on all communities to remain disciplined in complying with the health protocol. Until an effective vaccine is found, people must live in peace with Covid 19 for some time to come. Life must go on.
Dr. dr. Erlina Burhan, SpP, Pulmonary Specialist at Pers Friendship Hospital, asserted, if PSBB cannot be carried out with discipline and the public carelessly implement health protocols, it is estimated that there will be a second wave of the Covid 19 pandemic in Indonesia after June 2020. Dr dr. Erlina said that the habits that had been carried out during the Covid 19 pandemic had to be continued or new to normal. First is the PSBB discipline, which includes not traveling, keeping a distance, wearing masks, washing hands, living clean and healthy, including increasing their endurance.
In addition to the second wave of Covid 19, at the same time the potential for metabolic health has increased. Dr. Roy Panusunan Sibarani Sp.PD-KEMD, Internal Medicine Specialist-Consultant Endocrine Metabolic, Chairperson of the Medical Committee / Team Covid 19 Murni Teguh Sudirman Hospital Jakarta said, during a pandemic, there was also a change in lifestyle, both physically, psychologically, or social life while working from home (WFH). All of these things will certainly affect health and most prominently to metabolic health. "Just focusing on Covid 19 actually makes people less aware of metabolic diseases. In fact, metabolic diseases are degenerative diseases. Where, the older we are, the more likely it is to get diabetes, high blood pressure, and cholesterol disorders," he said
Allergy-Immunology Specialist, Prof. Dr. dr. Iris Rengganis, SpPD, KAI said, Covid 19 is a pandemic virus that has scared many people. So, everyone uses various things, including using supplements. "Most important in these conditions is antioxidants. This is very important, because processes in the body, such as food and all kinds, will form oxidants. So, antioxidants are one that increases the immune system. Antioxidants are in vitamins A, C , and E.
Prof. Iris said, not only at Covid-19, everyday we also need antioxidants. Moreover, with the Covid-19 condition where everyone needs a good immune system. our body can also ward off inflammation, including arthritis.
"If we are not sure of the adequacy of consuming fruits and vegetables, we can supplement it by taking supplements. For example, supplements containing Astaxhantin which are very typical contain antioxidants.
Explained by VP Research & Development SOHO Global Health DR. Raphael Aswin Susilowidodo, M.Sc, Asthin® series is a series of health supplements that contain Astaxanthin as a source of antioxidants. Asthin® supplementation is often used as a supportive therapy that works to strengthen the immune system. "Asthin® contains Astaxanthin natural active ingredients derived from microalgae Haemustococcus pluvalis species. As one of the carotenoid compounds, astaxanthin has a very strong antioxidant potential," he said.
The antioxidant potential of Astaxanthin is 6000x stronger when compared to vitamin C, 500x stronger when compared to vitamin E, 550x stronger when compared to EGCG (the content in green tea), 800x stronger when compared with Coenzyme Q10 & 75x stronger when compared with α-lipoic acid. (Govind, 2016; Ekpe, 2018).
Regarding Covid 19, Astaxanthin can play a major role in the regulation of the immune response, decrease the regulation of the proinflammatory component and maintain oxidative stress, resulting in a reduction in cytokine storms. Astaxanthin can also provide support for patients with ALI (Acute Lung Injury) / ARDS (Acute respiratory distress syndrome) and related complications (Talukdar et al, 2020).
From various in vitro, in vivo and clinical trials, astaxanthin has immunomodulating, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
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