- Highlight
- Human Rights
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

At SOHO Global Health, we live our purpose by considering social, environmental, and governance impact in everything we do for generations to come.
Social Responsibility
At SOHO Global Health, we live our purpose by considering social, environmental, and governance impact in everything we do for generations to come.
Social Responsibility in Our Business

SOHO Global Health as a company engaged in the health industry is committed and has taken action to have a positive impact on the health of the planet and support the sustainability of our business for future generations. We also recognize the opportunity to drive positive changes in every business operation that we carry out.
We believe that business has a social responsibility to play a role in a way that benefits society as a whole and contributes to the welfare of society and the greater good. We provide health education and encourage public awareness about the importance of a healthy lifestyle, good diet, exercise and other healthy habits.
We understand that environmental impacts are increasingly affecting people’s health and well-being, and that climate change is a global public health threat. We continually strive to improve the environmental footprint of our operations, our products, and our value chain.
In the context of corporate social responsibility, SOHO Global Health has a responsibility to respect and promote human rights in all aspects of business operations. The company is committed that violations of human rights are illegal and we have zero-tolerance on it, and prioritizes a commitment to diversity, equality and inclusion in all business units. Every employee has equal rights and opportunities without any discrimination. The company encourages every employee to play an active role in creating an inclusive work environment and developing diverse potential.
Human Rights

Human Rights
10 July 2023
Our Commitment to Human Rights
In our Human Rights statement, we commit to not incidents of discrimination or business practices that are against human rights and to take steps to identify and prevent human rights risks in our business and core values.Latest

10 July 2023
Our Commitment to Human Rights
Human Rights

10 July 2023
Our Commitment to Human Rights
SOHO Global Health Group and all its employees respect and put forward Human Rights as something that must be protected, respected and enforced for the sake of honor and protection of human dignity in the relationship between its employees, external parties as Company’s business partners/resource providers and the local community.
SOHO Global Health is committed to integrating respect for human rights into its business operations and public positions. SOHO Global Health respects the fundamental rights of workers. Fundamental rights of workers is one of the main awareness challenges identified, including the prohibition of child labor/minimum age labor, equality, fair compensation, prohibition of forced labor and human trafficking, occupational health and safety, protection of maternity, prohibition of harassment and intimidation, harsh or degrading treatment, non-discrimination, the right to join trade unions and collective bargaining, working conditions including working hours and workers' social security. We also require all our suppliers to adhere to the same standards.
Fulfillment of workers' fundamental rights aims to create conducive, harmonious, safe and secure industrial working relations so as to increase employee productivity and performance in achieving the common goals of the Company.
Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility
26 December 2024
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia 2024
SOHO Global Health in collaboration with English Goes to Kampung (EGK) Sumba and LKSA Mercy to work together in advancing literacyDecember

Corporate Social Responsibility
27 December 2017
SGH Share with Oma/Opa
SGH Share with Oma/OpaJune

Corporate Social Responsibility
28 June 2024
The Contribution of PT Soho Global Health Tbk in Supporting the Health Service Movement for Simultaneous Intervention to Prevent Stunting in Sukabumi
PT Soho Global Health Tbk (SGH) once again demonstrated its contribution to a future where Indonesian children are free from stunting in Sukabumi RegencyJune

Corporate Social Responsibility
17 June 2022
SGH Social Responsibility through the Share the Books program “Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia"
SGH Social Responsibility through the Share the Books program “Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia"June

Corporate Social Responsibility
28 June 2021
SOHO Global Health Holds “Gotong Royong” Vaccination for Employees, Supports Acceleration of the National Health and Economic Recovery
SOHO Global Health Holds “Gotong Royong” Vaccination for Employees, Supports Acceleration of the National Health and Economic RecoverySeptember

Corporate Social Responsibility
24 September 2023
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia program
SOHO Global Health in collaboration with English Goes to Kampung (EGK) Sumba together fights for literacyJuly

Corporate Social Responsibility
24 July 2023
SOHO Global Health's Contribution to Stunting Prevention within the Company's Environment
SOHO Global Health's Contribution to Stunting Prevention within the Company's Environment
Corporate Social Responsibility
20 July 2023
PT Soho Global Health Tbk's contribution to the handling of stunting in Nagrak District, Sukabumi, and the Sukabumi Sehat Program
PT Soho Global Health Tbk's contribution to the handling of stunting in Nagrak District, Sukabumi, and the Sukabumi Sehat Program
Corporate Social Responsibility
08 July 2023
Collaboration of Curcuma Plus Towards a Stunting-Free Future with GPFI
Collaboration of Curcuma Plus Towards a Stunting-Free Future with GPFI
Corporate Social Responsibility
05 July 2023
Junior Scientists 2023: Spark your Curious Mind
Junior Scientists 2023: Spark your Curious MindJuly

Corporate Social Responsibility
12 July 2019
The Hype of Junior Scientist at PT SOHO Global Health
The Hype of Junior Scientist at PT SOHO Global HealthMarch

Corporate Social Responsibility
29 March 2023
SGH Group and Employees Shared Donations in the month of Ramadan 1444 H
SGH Group and Employees Shared Donations in the month of Ramadan 1444 HMarch

Corporate Social Responsibility
31 March 2020
SOHO Donated Imboost Force worth Rp 1.5 Billion for the COVID-19 Medical Team through BNPB
SOHO Donated Imboost Force worth Rp 1.5 Billion for the COVID-19 Medical Team through BNPBFebruary

Corporate Social Responsibility
10 February 2022
SOHO Officially Announced MCK Donation in Nagrak District, Sukabumi
SOHO Officially Announced MCK Donation in Nagrak District, Sukabumi
Corporate Social Responsibility
15 February 2017
Free Medical Service at Gua Maria Kerep Ambarawa
Free Medical Service at Gua Maria Kerep AmbarawaOctober

Corporate Social Responsibility
25 October 2021
Corporate Social Responsibility
12 October 2017
Free Medical Service in Nagrak, Sukabumi
Free Medical Service in Nagrak, SukabumiAugust

Corporate Social Responsibility
24 August 2019
Every Child Can Be A Star: SGH Supports “Pakars Mengajar 2019” in Sukamakmur Village, Mesuji, Lampung
Every Child Can Be A Star: SGH Supports “Pakars Mengajar 2019” in Sukamakmur Village, Mesuji, LampungLatest

26 December 2024
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia 2024

28 June 2024
The Contribution of PT Soho Global Health Tbk in Supporting the Health Service Movement for Simultaneous Intervention to Prevent Stunting in Sukabumi

24 September 2023
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia program

24 July 2023
SOHO Global Health's Contribution to Stunting Prevention within the Company's Environment

20 July 2023
PT Soho Global Health Tbk's contribution to the handling of stunting in Nagrak District, Sukabumi, and the Sukabumi Sehat Program

08 July 2023
Collaboration of Curcuma Plus Towards a Stunting-Free Future with GPFI

05 July 2023
Junior Scientists 2023: Spark your Curious Mind

29 March 2023
SGH Group and Employees Shared Donations in the month of Ramadan 1444 H

17 June 2022
SGH Social Responsibility through the Share the Books program “Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia"

10 February 2022
SOHO Officially Announced MCK Donation in Nagrak District, Sukabumi

25 October 2021

28 June 2021
SOHO Global Health Holds “Gotong Royong” Vaccination for Employees, Supports Acceleration of the National Health and Economic Recovery

31 March 2020
SOHO Donated Imboost Force worth Rp 1.5 Billion for the COVID-19 Medical Team through BNPB

24 August 2019
Every Child Can Be A Star: SGH Supports “Pakars Mengajar 2019” in Sukamakmur Village, Mesuji, Lampung

12 July 2019
The Hype of Junior Scientist at PT SOHO Global Health

27 December 2017
SGH Share with Oma/Opa

12 October 2017
Free Medical Service in Nagrak, Sukabumi

15 February 2017
Free Medical Service at Gua Maria Kerep Ambarawa
Corporate Social Responsibility

26 December 2024
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia 2024
SGH continues to support English learning activities in Sumba in collaboration with the English Goes to Kampung (EGK) Sumba community in Lamboya Village, Laboya Bawa, West Sumba, through the Share the Books: Hope for Sumba, Hope for Indonesia program.
This English learning community for school-age children and youth in Sumba was initiated in 2018 by Roswita Asti Kulla, a humanitarian advocate and literacy activist, starting with small classes on the coastline. Today, the EGK Sumba community has reached over 1,000 children in Sumba. However, the journey to achieve the community's mission—making education accessible to all on Sumba Island—is still a long way to go.
In addition to supporting EGK Sumba, SGH also extends its support to LKSA Mercy, located in Waikabubak, West Sumba. This orphanage, home to around 25 children of various ages from Sumba, operates under the auspices of the Rumah Junior Foundation. With great care, the orphanage is managed by the husband-and-wife team, Pastor Petrus and Mother Debora, despite their humble circumstances.
The year 2024 marks the third year of SGH’s support for the Hope for Sumba program. Amid the challenges of limited access to West Sumba, inadequate school conditions, and limited access to reading materials and healthcare services, the contributions from Soho Global Health (SGH) have been invaluable.
Donations of reading books, stationery, school supplies, financial donation, vitamins for children's health, and new clothing have brought great hope to them. A healthy child is the foundation for achieving success, and books are windows to the world. Through books, the children at EGK Sumba and LKSA Mercy not only learn about the world, but also gain the courage to dream and build a better future.
Every child has the right to build hope, and it is our responsibility to contribute to creating change that allows them to see a world full of opportunities and dreams.

26 December 2024
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia 2024

28 June 2024
The Contribution of PT Soho Global Health Tbk in Supporting the Health Service Movement for Simultaneous Intervention to Prevent Stunting in Sukabumi

24 September 2023
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia program

24 July 2023
SOHO Global Health's Contribution to Stunting Prevention within the Company's Environment

20 July 2023
PT Soho Global Health Tbk's contribution to the handling of stunting in Nagrak District, Sukabumi, and the Sukabumi Sehat Program

08 July 2023
Collaboration of Curcuma Plus Towards a Stunting-Free Future with GPFI

05 July 2023
Junior Scientists 2023: Spark your Curious Mind

29 March 2023
SGH Group and Employees Shared Donations in the month of Ramadan 1444 H

17 June 2022
SGH Social Responsibility through the Share the Books program “Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia"

10 February 2022
SOHO Officially Announced MCK Donation in Nagrak District, Sukabumi

25 October 2021

28 June 2021
SOHO Global Health Holds “Gotong Royong” Vaccination for Employees, Supports Acceleration of the National Health and Economic Recovery

31 March 2020
SOHO Donated Imboost Force worth Rp 1.5 Billion for the COVID-19 Medical Team through BNPB

24 August 2019
Every Child Can Be A Star: SGH Supports “Pakars Mengajar 2019” in Sukamakmur Village, Mesuji, Lampung

12 July 2019
The Hype of Junior Scientist at PT SOHO Global Health

27 December 2017
SGH Share with Oma/Opa

12 October 2017
Free Medical Service in Nagrak, Sukabumi

15 February 2017
Free Medical Service at Gua Maria Kerep Ambarawa
Corporate Social Responsibility

28 June 2024
The Contribution of PT Soho Global Health Tbk in Supporting the Health Service Movement for Simultaneous Intervention to Prevent Stunting in Sukabumi
PT Soho Global Health Tbk (SGH) once again demonstrated its contribution to a future where Indonesian children are free from stunting in Sukabumi Regency by providing stunting intervention assistance through the distribution of supplementary food (PMT) in the form of Curcuma Plus milk to 350 toddlers in Sukabumi Regency. As the main sponsor of the Health Service Movement for Simultaneous Intervention to Prevent Stunting organized by the Sukabumi Police, PT Soho showed its commitment to eradicating stunting, with Sukabumi as a priority for stunting alleviation, considering that the prevalence of stunting in this regency reached 27.5%, the second highest in West Java province (based on the 2022 Indonesian Nutrition Status Survey - SSGI data).
The symbolic event for the handover of CSR assistance for the stunting intervention movement was held in the Sukabumi Police Headquarters Hall, Jl. Sudirman 12, Palabuhanratu, Sukabumi Regency on June 26, 2024. The event was held in commemoration of the 78th Bhayangkara Day and was attended by the Head of the Sukabumi Regency Health Office, the Chairman of the Sukabumi Regency Branch of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI), the Chairman of the Sukabumi Regency Branch of the Indonesian Village Government Association (APDESI), the Head of Palabuhanratu Community Health Center, the Head of the Sukabumi Regency Police, and other related officials.
This CSR initiative is a form of PT Soho's commitment in line with its purpose, to hold the care of human life as our highest priority and thereby glorify God. Curcuma Plus, as the number one selling children's vitamin brand in Indonesia for appetite and growth, has also launched an innovative milk formula with higher energy and protein and lower sugar to help improve children's appetites, increase their weight and height, and achieve better nutritional status.
"SGH is once again realizing its commitment to addressing stunting in Sukabumi Regency, particularly in areas close to the SOHO Center of Excellence in Herbal Research (SCEHR) plantation and research facilities in Nagrak, Sukabumi, where the Curcuma plant, the main ingredient in Curcuma Plus products, is cultivated. The natural goodness from Sukabumi is expected to support efforts to eradicate stunting, which is a priority for Sukabumi Regency in line with the Kabupaten Sukabumi Sehat (KSS) program," said Dr. Solitaire E F Ram Mozes, MM, Head of Health and Food and Beverage Supervision, IDI.
This stunting intervention program represents a good collaboration between the government and the private sector. This is not the first time PT Soho has made a tangible contribution to stunting intervention efforts in Sukabumi Regency. For at least the last five years, PT Soho has continuously supported the Kabupaten Sukabumi Sehat (KSS) program initiated by the Sukabumi Regency government through various stunting alleviation programs, the provision of healthy toilets (open defecation free/ODF program), and the provision of segregated waste bins for organic, non-organic, and hazardous waste.
It is our sincere hope that in the future there will be more active and beneficial collaborations between PT Soho and the Sukabumi Regency government, especially in the fields of public health and stunting prevention.

26 December 2024
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia 2024

28 June 2024
The Contribution of PT Soho Global Health Tbk in Supporting the Health Service Movement for Simultaneous Intervention to Prevent Stunting in Sukabumi

24 September 2023
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia program

24 July 2023
SOHO Global Health's Contribution to Stunting Prevention within the Company's Environment

20 July 2023
PT Soho Global Health Tbk's contribution to the handling of stunting in Nagrak District, Sukabumi, and the Sukabumi Sehat Program

08 July 2023
Collaboration of Curcuma Plus Towards a Stunting-Free Future with GPFI

05 July 2023
Junior Scientists 2023: Spark your Curious Mind

29 March 2023
SGH Group and Employees Shared Donations in the month of Ramadan 1444 H

17 June 2022
SGH Social Responsibility through the Share the Books program “Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia"

10 February 2022
SOHO Officially Announced MCK Donation in Nagrak District, Sukabumi

25 October 2021

28 June 2021
SOHO Global Health Holds “Gotong Royong” Vaccination for Employees, Supports Acceleration of the National Health and Economic Recovery

31 March 2020
SOHO Donated Imboost Force worth Rp 1.5 Billion for the COVID-19 Medical Team through BNPB

24 August 2019
Every Child Can Be A Star: SGH Supports “Pakars Mengajar 2019” in Sukamakmur Village, Mesuji, Lampung

12 July 2019
The Hype of Junior Scientist at PT SOHO Global Health

27 December 2017
SGH Share with Oma/Opa

12 October 2017
Free Medical Service in Nagrak, Sukabumi

15 February 2017
Free Medical Service at Gua Maria Kerep Ambarawa
Corporate Social Responsibility

24 September 2023
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia program
SGH supports English learning activities for school-age children in Sumba organized by the English Goes to Kampung (EGK) Sumba community in Lamboya village, Laboya Bawa, West Sumba through the Share the Books program: Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia.
From September 24th to 28th, 2023, four (4) volunteers from SGH namely Dr. Raphael Aswin Susilowidodo (Vice President R&D, Regulatory and Medical Affairs), Mutiara Nurazizah (Regulatory Executive), Monica Yunita Letoaty (Regulatory Executive), and Fransiska Nanda Astuti Utami (Accounting Supervisor) departed for West Sumba to serve as guest volunteers in the Prai Ijing class in the traditional village of Waikabubak, and the learning center in Lamboya. This year marks SGH's second year of support for this program. During this occasion, SGH volunteers inspired and engaged with the children of EGK Sumba, starting with reading books during reading time, conducting a fun science class themed around Capillarity, singing English songs accompanied by saxophone music, and playing various games. The children of EGK Sumba appeared very enthusiastic and joyful while participating in the classes that day.
In the midst of the challenging conditions in West Sumba, where schools are poorly equipped and access to books is limited, the donations and acts of kindness from Soho Global Health (SGH) colleagues mean a great deal to the local children. Reading books, stationery, teaching tools, and monetary donations are all greatly appreciated. Books serve as a window to the world, helping children at EGK Sumba learn about the world and build their dreams.
The children and youth of Sumba are the future generations of the island, particularly in the tourism sector in Sumba Island, which relies heavily on foreign visitors. Therefore, it is crucial to provide English language learning resources to the youth in Sumbanese villages. In 2015, a humanitarian and literacy activist named Roswita Asti Kulla initiated English Goes to Kampung (EGK) Sumba, which has since reached over 1,000 Sumbanese children. However, there is still a long way to go to achieve the foundation's mission of making education accessible on Sumba Island.
"Education is a right, not a privilege”, and it is our responsibility to ensure that every child becomes literate. Every child, regardless of their economic situation, deserves an equal opportunity to access education and pursue their dreams.
In addition to being guest lecturers, the SGH volunteers visited the Ikat Weaving Workshop named Karaja Sumba to observe the process of making woven fabric using natural dyes carried out by the local community. The SGH volunteer team also contributed to the advancement of the local economy in Sumba by providing direct English language coaching and offering input on the production process, including packaging and branding/marketing of Karaja Sumba woven products.

26 December 2024
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia 2024

28 June 2024
The Contribution of PT Soho Global Health Tbk in Supporting the Health Service Movement for Simultaneous Intervention to Prevent Stunting in Sukabumi

24 September 2023
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia program

24 July 2023
SOHO Global Health's Contribution to Stunting Prevention within the Company's Environment

20 July 2023
PT Soho Global Health Tbk's contribution to the handling of stunting in Nagrak District, Sukabumi, and the Sukabumi Sehat Program

08 July 2023
Collaboration of Curcuma Plus Towards a Stunting-Free Future with GPFI

05 July 2023
Junior Scientists 2023: Spark your Curious Mind

29 March 2023
SGH Group and Employees Shared Donations in the month of Ramadan 1444 H

17 June 2022
SGH Social Responsibility through the Share the Books program “Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia"

10 February 2022
SOHO Officially Announced MCK Donation in Nagrak District, Sukabumi

25 October 2021

28 June 2021
SOHO Global Health Holds “Gotong Royong” Vaccination for Employees, Supports Acceleration of the National Health and Economic Recovery

31 March 2020
SOHO Donated Imboost Force worth Rp 1.5 Billion for the COVID-19 Medical Team through BNPB

24 August 2019
Every Child Can Be A Star: SGH Supports “Pakars Mengajar 2019” in Sukamakmur Village, Mesuji, Lampung

12 July 2019
The Hype of Junior Scientist at PT SOHO Global Health

27 December 2017
SGH Share with Oma/Opa

12 October 2017
Free Medical Service in Nagrak, Sukabumi

15 February 2017
Free Medical Service at Gua Maria Kerep Ambarawa
Corporate Social Responsibility

24 July 2023
SOHO Global Health's Contribution to Stunting Prevention within the Company's Environment
As a tangible manifestation of the company's commitment and consistency in assisting the community, on July 24, 2023, SGH once again donated SGH products, namely Curcuma Plus (Lysine) vitamins and Curcuma Plus milk, to prevent stunting in the community. This action emphasizes the Company's Objective: "To hold the care of human life as our highest priority and thereby glorify God."
The donation was channeled through the Youth Group of Rawa Terate Sub-District, Cakung District, East Jakarta, to the local Integrated Service Post (Posyandu) for distribution to children in the Rawa Terate Sub-District area. During the Posyandu activity, SGH also provided information about the benefits of the distributed products.
May SGH's contribution provide benefits to the receiving children in preventing stunting, so that they can continue to grow, be healthy, and happy!

26 December 2024
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia 2024

28 June 2024
The Contribution of PT Soho Global Health Tbk in Supporting the Health Service Movement for Simultaneous Intervention to Prevent Stunting in Sukabumi

24 September 2023
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia program

24 July 2023
SOHO Global Health's Contribution to Stunting Prevention within the Company's Environment

20 July 2023
PT Soho Global Health Tbk's contribution to the handling of stunting in Nagrak District, Sukabumi, and the Sukabumi Sehat Program

08 July 2023
Collaboration of Curcuma Plus Towards a Stunting-Free Future with GPFI

05 July 2023
Junior Scientists 2023: Spark your Curious Mind

29 March 2023
SGH Group and Employees Shared Donations in the month of Ramadan 1444 H

17 June 2022
SGH Social Responsibility through the Share the Books program “Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia"

10 February 2022
SOHO Officially Announced MCK Donation in Nagrak District, Sukabumi

25 October 2021

28 June 2021
SOHO Global Health Holds “Gotong Royong” Vaccination for Employees, Supports Acceleration of the National Health and Economic Recovery

31 March 2020
SOHO Donated Imboost Force worth Rp 1.5 Billion for the COVID-19 Medical Team through BNPB

24 August 2019
Every Child Can Be A Star: SGH Supports “Pakars Mengajar 2019” in Sukamakmur Village, Mesuji, Lampung

12 July 2019
The Hype of Junior Scientist at PT SOHO Global Health

27 December 2017
SGH Share with Oma/Opa

12 October 2017
Free Medical Service in Nagrak, Sukabumi

15 February 2017
Free Medical Service at Gua Maria Kerep Ambarawa
Corporate Social Responsibility

20 July 2023
PT Soho Global Health Tbk's contribution to the handling of stunting in Nagrak District, Sukabumi, and the Sukabumi Sehat Program
PT Soho Global Health Tbk (SGH) once again realizes its contribution to the future of Indonesian children by combating stunting in the Nagrak District, Sukabumi, through the provision of stunting intervention assistance. This assistance includes processed supplementary food (PMT), the provision of Curcuma Plus milk, and support for stunting eradication. Additionally, SGH contributes to the implementation of the Kabupaten Sukabumi Sehat (KSS) program by providing hygienic toilets and segregated waste bins for organic, non-organic, and hazardous waste.
The symbolic event of handing over the CSR assistance for stunting and the Kabupaten Sukabumi Sehat program took place at the SOHO Center of Excellence in Herbal Research (SCEHR), Kec. Nagrak, Kab. Sukabumi, on July 21, 2023. The event was attended by the Head of Nagrak District, the Head of Nagrak Health Center (Puskesmas), and other relevant officials.
"SGH is once again realizing its commitment to addressing stunting in the Nagrak District, particularly in areas near the SCEHR plantation and research facilities, and contributing to the implementation of the Kabupaten Sukabumi Sehat (KSS) program initiated by the Sukabumi Regency government. This CSR initiative reflects PT Soho's concern, aligning with our purpose, to hold the care of human life as our highest priority and thereby glorify God," said Dr. Raphael Aswin, VP Research & Development, Regulatory & Medical Affairs SGH.
The stunting intervention program and the KSS program represent a manifestation of a good collaboration between the district, village government, and the company/industry, in this case, PT Soho, which operates in the health sector and is located around the Nagrak District with its SOHO Center of Excellence in Herbal Research (SCEHR) facilities.
It is hoped that in the future, there will be even more active and beneficial collaborations between PT Soho and the Nagrak District government, in particular, and the Sukabumi Regency government in general, especially in the fields of public health and addressing stunting issues.

26 December 2024
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia 2024

28 June 2024
The Contribution of PT Soho Global Health Tbk in Supporting the Health Service Movement for Simultaneous Intervention to Prevent Stunting in Sukabumi

24 September 2023
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia program

24 July 2023
SOHO Global Health's Contribution to Stunting Prevention within the Company's Environment

20 July 2023
PT Soho Global Health Tbk's contribution to the handling of stunting in Nagrak District, Sukabumi, and the Sukabumi Sehat Program

08 July 2023
Collaboration of Curcuma Plus Towards a Stunting-Free Future with GPFI

05 July 2023
Junior Scientists 2023: Spark your Curious Mind

29 March 2023
SGH Group and Employees Shared Donations in the month of Ramadan 1444 H

17 June 2022
SGH Social Responsibility through the Share the Books program “Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia"

10 February 2022
SOHO Officially Announced MCK Donation in Nagrak District, Sukabumi

25 October 2021

28 June 2021
SOHO Global Health Holds “Gotong Royong” Vaccination for Employees, Supports Acceleration of the National Health and Economic Recovery

31 March 2020
SOHO Donated Imboost Force worth Rp 1.5 Billion for the COVID-19 Medical Team through BNPB

24 August 2019
Every Child Can Be A Star: SGH Supports “Pakars Mengajar 2019” in Sukamakmur Village, Mesuji, Lampung

12 July 2019
The Hype of Junior Scientist at PT SOHO Global Health

27 December 2017
SGH Share with Oma/Opa

12 October 2017
Free Medical Service in Nagrak, Sukabumi

15 February 2017
Free Medical Service at Gua Maria Kerep Ambarawa
Corporate Social Responsibility

08 July 2023
Collaboration of Curcuma Plus Towards a Stunting-Free Future with GPFI
Curcuma Plus supports the target of reducing national stunting rates by participating in a collaboration with the Gabungan Perusahaan Farmasi Indonesia (GPFI) in a program to distribute vitamins and health supplements to hundreds of children in East Flores, specifically in Lato Village, Titehena District, on July 8th and 9th, 2023
"Curcuma Plus, as a children's syrup vitamin that has been verified safe by BPOM (Indonesian Drug and Food Control Agency), also participates as a supporter in providing essential nutritional support as an effort to reduce stunting rates.
Curcuma Plus has been trusted by Indonesian mothers because it is made from herbal ingredients, containing organic Turmeric (Temulawak), and enriched with Multivitamins and Minerals to support children's growth and development.
Together with Curcuma Plus, let's combat stunting and create a healthy future for the next generation

26 December 2024
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia 2024

28 June 2024
The Contribution of PT Soho Global Health Tbk in Supporting the Health Service Movement for Simultaneous Intervention to Prevent Stunting in Sukabumi

24 September 2023
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia program

24 July 2023
SOHO Global Health's Contribution to Stunting Prevention within the Company's Environment

20 July 2023
PT Soho Global Health Tbk's contribution to the handling of stunting in Nagrak District, Sukabumi, and the Sukabumi Sehat Program

08 July 2023
Collaboration of Curcuma Plus Towards a Stunting-Free Future with GPFI

05 July 2023
Junior Scientists 2023: Spark your Curious Mind

29 March 2023
SGH Group and Employees Shared Donations in the month of Ramadan 1444 H

17 June 2022
SGH Social Responsibility through the Share the Books program “Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia"

10 February 2022
SOHO Officially Announced MCK Donation in Nagrak District, Sukabumi

25 October 2021

28 June 2021
SOHO Global Health Holds “Gotong Royong” Vaccination for Employees, Supports Acceleration of the National Health and Economic Recovery

31 March 2020
SOHO Donated Imboost Force worth Rp 1.5 Billion for the COVID-19 Medical Team through BNPB

24 August 2019
Every Child Can Be A Star: SGH Supports “Pakars Mengajar 2019” in Sukamakmur Village, Mesuji, Lampung

12 July 2019
The Hype of Junior Scientist at PT SOHO Global Health

27 December 2017
SGH Share with Oma/Opa

12 October 2017
Free Medical Service in Nagrak, Sukabumi

15 February 2017
Free Medical Service at Gua Maria Kerep Ambarawa
Corporate Social Responsibility

05 July 2023
Junior Scientists 2023: Spark your Curious Mind
Jakarta (6/7) – The lively atmosphere filled with children's excitement took place in the lobby of PT SOHO Industri Pharmasi, Jl Pulogadung No.6. The sound of children aged 5-8 could be heard, enlivening the Junior Scientists 2023 event. Some were busy playing, singing songs, taking photos with the Junior Scientists backdrop, and joking around while waiting for the event to begin at exactly 9:00.
On July 5, 2023, SOHO once again held the Junior Scientists event as part of PT SOHO Global Health Tbk's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program. A similar event was first organized in 2019 but could not be held throughout the pandemic in 2020-2022. The event on July 5, 2023, marked the comeback of Junior Scientists, which had been eagerly awaited, and was intended to fill children's school holidays with beneficial activities. The opportunity to participate was dedicated to the children of SOHO employees. The enthusiasm of SOHO employees for this program was evident through the high number of registrations, and as a result, the event was attended by 36 participants divided into 6 groups.
This annual program aims to provide education about the world of science in a fun and entertaining manner (edutainment). "We hope that children will experience firsthand how exciting science can be through various thrilling experiments and observations in the laboratory," said Dr. Raphael Aswin, VP of R&D and Medical Affairs at SOHO Global Health, in his speech that also marked the opening of the Junior Scientists event.
The event continued with a series of exciting activities in the R&D lab, starting with a lab tour session where children wore lab coats and observed the process of producing Fitkom tablets. Then, the activities proceeded to the Sensory Lab, where children were introduced to various tastes and colors by the patient and knowledgeable senior scientists who guided the highly curious children.
During the break between the lab and non-lab sessions, snack time was provided along with Curcuma Plus milk, which turned out to be highly popular among the children due to its delicious taste. After satisfying their hunger, the children continued with equally exciting non-lab activities. The activities included "Curcuma Plus syrup in the making," "Dino toothpaste," and "lava lamp," which were all conducted in a fun and engaging manner. Science is truly FUN!
Early science education is indeed crucial. By providing children with science education at an early age, we can instill a curious mindset in them, which will contribute to the development of innovative and smart generations in the future. The children proudly took home their own homemade Curcuma Plus syrup, reflecting their sense of accomplishment. They were also provided with bento lunch boxes, goodie bags containing various SOHO products, lab coats with the Junior Scientists logo, Curcuma Plus pins, and super cool Junior Scientists medals. We look forward to the next exciting Junior Scientists event with amazing children who make us all proud. See ya!

26 December 2024
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia 2024

28 June 2024
The Contribution of PT Soho Global Health Tbk in Supporting the Health Service Movement for Simultaneous Intervention to Prevent Stunting in Sukabumi

24 September 2023
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia program

24 July 2023
SOHO Global Health's Contribution to Stunting Prevention within the Company's Environment

20 July 2023
PT Soho Global Health Tbk's contribution to the handling of stunting in Nagrak District, Sukabumi, and the Sukabumi Sehat Program

08 July 2023
Collaboration of Curcuma Plus Towards a Stunting-Free Future with GPFI

05 July 2023
Junior Scientists 2023: Spark your Curious Mind

29 March 2023
SGH Group and Employees Shared Donations in the month of Ramadan 1444 H

17 June 2022
SGH Social Responsibility through the Share the Books program “Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia"

10 February 2022
SOHO Officially Announced MCK Donation in Nagrak District, Sukabumi

25 October 2021

28 June 2021
SOHO Global Health Holds “Gotong Royong” Vaccination for Employees, Supports Acceleration of the National Health and Economic Recovery

31 March 2020
SOHO Donated Imboost Force worth Rp 1.5 Billion for the COVID-19 Medical Team through BNPB

24 August 2019
Every Child Can Be A Star: SGH Supports “Pakars Mengajar 2019” in Sukamakmur Village, Mesuji, Lampung

12 July 2019
The Hype of Junior Scientist at PT SOHO Global Health

27 December 2017
SGH Share with Oma/Opa

12 October 2017
Free Medical Service in Nagrak, Sukabumi

15 February 2017
Free Medical Service at Gua Maria Kerep Ambarawa
Corporate Social Responsibility

29 March 2023
SGH Group and Employees Shared Donations in the month of Ramadan 1444 H
Jakarta 29/03/2023 - As a form of care from SGH Group and employees for orphans nearby the SGH Group communities., in the month of Ramadan 1444 H SGH Group held an activity to share donations to orphans by involving employees and share a little fortune from SGH Group and employees to be given to orphans so that these children can also feel happiness in the month of Ramadan 1444 H.
The donation given to orphans is in the form of several SGH Group products and cash to 191 orphans, which were distributed through:
a. Rawa Terate Youth Organization, Cakung, East Jakarta
b. Istiqomah Petukangan Orphanage Home Foundation, East Jakarta
c. SGH Group Employees, to be given to relatives or neighbors around the Employee's residence
The symbolic distribution of donations was held at the Iftar event at the Supply & Operations Business Unit on March 29, 2023, and was handed over directly by Mr. Tan Eng Liang (President Commissioner of PT SOHO Global Health Tbk) and accompanied by Mrs. Mary Tan.
To further demonstrate the commitment and care of SGH Group and its employees, donations for these orphans will be given to organizations, foundations, as well as to relatives and neighbors around employees‘ residences, so that they can feel the presence and care of SGH Group and it is expected to have a positive impact on both the SGH Group and the children who receive it.

26 December 2024
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia 2024

28 June 2024
The Contribution of PT Soho Global Health Tbk in Supporting the Health Service Movement for Simultaneous Intervention to Prevent Stunting in Sukabumi

24 September 2023
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia program

24 July 2023
SOHO Global Health's Contribution to Stunting Prevention within the Company's Environment

20 July 2023
PT Soho Global Health Tbk's contribution to the handling of stunting in Nagrak District, Sukabumi, and the Sukabumi Sehat Program

08 July 2023
Collaboration of Curcuma Plus Towards a Stunting-Free Future with GPFI

05 July 2023
Junior Scientists 2023: Spark your Curious Mind

29 March 2023
SGH Group and Employees Shared Donations in the month of Ramadan 1444 H

17 June 2022
SGH Social Responsibility through the Share the Books program “Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia"

10 February 2022
SOHO Officially Announced MCK Donation in Nagrak District, Sukabumi

25 October 2021

28 June 2021
SOHO Global Health Holds “Gotong Royong” Vaccination for Employees, Supports Acceleration of the National Health and Economic Recovery

31 March 2020
SOHO Donated Imboost Force worth Rp 1.5 Billion for the COVID-19 Medical Team through BNPB

24 August 2019
Every Child Can Be A Star: SGH Supports “Pakars Mengajar 2019” in Sukamakmur Village, Mesuji, Lampung

12 July 2019
The Hype of Junior Scientist at PT SOHO Global Health

27 December 2017
SGH Share with Oma/Opa

12 October 2017
Free Medical Service in Nagrak, Sukabumi

15 February 2017
Free Medical Service at Gua Maria Kerep Ambarawa
Corporate Social Responsibility

17 June 2022
SGH Social Responsibility through the Share the Books program “Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia"
Jakarta, June 17, 2022 - In line with SGH's purpose, to hold the care of human life as our highest priority, SGH supports English learning activities for school-age children in Sumba organized by the English Goes to Kampung (EGK) Sumba community in Lamboya village, Laboya Bawa, West Sumba through the Share the Books program: Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia.
Attended by around 60 children in various ages, which were divided into 5 classes, the English learning activity at the Lamboya learning center & library, which was attended by volunteers from SGH on May 3, 2022 was fun and enjoyable. In the Rainbow class, which consists of kindergarten and elementary school children, the activity begins with reading a book, then the children are guided by the teachers to learn to understand the meaning of the book they are reading. Sky class (which, as the name implies, makes the sky its roof) is the definition of nature classrooms where children are taught to sing in the outdoor classrooms and taught various types of English vocabulary using flash cards.
In the midst of the difficult conditions of West Sumba, poor school conditions and limited access to books, the donations and act of love of Soho Global Health (SGH) colleagues who share reading books, stationery and donations of funds really mean a lot to them. Books are really a window to the world, through books, children at EGK Sumba begin to know the world, and dare to build their dreams.
Sumbanese children and youth are the future generations of Sumba, especially in the tourism sector which relies on foreign tourists. There is a fundamental need to provide English learning resources for village youth in Sumba. Since 2015, English Goes to Kampung (EGK) has been initiated by a humanitarian and literacy activist, Roswita Asti Kulla. Today, this foundation has reached more than 1,000 Sumbanese children. However, there is still a long way to go to realize this community's mission: to make education accessible on Sumba Island.
“There’s nothing more contagious than the laughter of young children”. And to see their innocent smiles, it is our responsibility to fight for literacy. Regardless of their current (economic) situation, every child must have the same opportunity to access education and build on their hope to make their dreams come true.

26 December 2024
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia 2024

28 June 2024
The Contribution of PT Soho Global Health Tbk in Supporting the Health Service Movement for Simultaneous Intervention to Prevent Stunting in Sukabumi

24 September 2023
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia program

24 July 2023
SOHO Global Health's Contribution to Stunting Prevention within the Company's Environment

20 July 2023
PT Soho Global Health Tbk's contribution to the handling of stunting in Nagrak District, Sukabumi, and the Sukabumi Sehat Program

08 July 2023
Collaboration of Curcuma Plus Towards a Stunting-Free Future with GPFI

05 July 2023
Junior Scientists 2023: Spark your Curious Mind

29 March 2023
SGH Group and Employees Shared Donations in the month of Ramadan 1444 H

17 June 2022
SGH Social Responsibility through the Share the Books program “Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia"

10 February 2022
SOHO Officially Announced MCK Donation in Nagrak District, Sukabumi

25 October 2021

28 June 2021
SOHO Global Health Holds “Gotong Royong” Vaccination for Employees, Supports Acceleration of the National Health and Economic Recovery

31 March 2020
SOHO Donated Imboost Force worth Rp 1.5 Billion for the COVID-19 Medical Team through BNPB

24 August 2019
Every Child Can Be A Star: SGH Supports “Pakars Mengajar 2019” in Sukamakmur Village, Mesuji, Lampung

12 July 2019
The Hype of Junior Scientist at PT SOHO Global Health

27 December 2017
SGH Share with Oma/Opa

12 October 2017
Free Medical Service in Nagrak, Sukabumi

15 February 2017
Free Medical Service at Gua Maria Kerep Ambarawa
Corporate Social Responsibility

10 February 2022
SOHO Officially Announced MCK Donation in Nagrak District, Sukabumi
Nagrak – (10/02/2022) The Head of Nagrak Sub-district, Mr. Sabar accompanied by Strategy Management & Corporate Affairs Senior Manager PT. SOHO Global Health, Tbk., Yuly Indarto, cut the ribbon to mark the inauguration of the building that was used for bathing, washing and defecate (“Mandi Cuci Kakus” or “MCK”) in Balekambang village, Nagrak, Sukabumi on Thursday, 10 February 2022. The event, which follows strict health protocols, was attended by the officers of Nagrak sub-district and Balekambang village.
This CSR of MCK donation has become a showcase of SOHO's participation in supporting Open Defecation Free (ODF) program initiated by the Head of Nagrak Sub-district since last year according to the direction of Sukabumi Regent. The buildings used for MCK were built using village funds where PT SOHO participated in the development of 6 toilets for this purpose in 3 villages, namely Cihanjawar, Balekambang and Babakan Panjang. The ODF program is a good collaboration among the sub-district, local government and companies/ industry engage in the health sector, in this case with PT SOHO that operates around Nagrak sub-district with its SOHO Center of Excellence in Herbal Research (SCEHR) facility.
It is our biggest hope that in the future there will be more proactive and useful collaborations between PT SOHO and the government of Nagrak sub-district in particular and the Sukabumi district in general, especially in public health and stunting prevention.

26 December 2024
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia 2024

28 June 2024
The Contribution of PT Soho Global Health Tbk in Supporting the Health Service Movement for Simultaneous Intervention to Prevent Stunting in Sukabumi

24 September 2023
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia program

24 July 2023
SOHO Global Health's Contribution to Stunting Prevention within the Company's Environment

20 July 2023
PT Soho Global Health Tbk's contribution to the handling of stunting in Nagrak District, Sukabumi, and the Sukabumi Sehat Program

08 July 2023
Collaboration of Curcuma Plus Towards a Stunting-Free Future with GPFI

05 July 2023
Junior Scientists 2023: Spark your Curious Mind

29 March 2023
SGH Group and Employees Shared Donations in the month of Ramadan 1444 H

17 June 2022
SGH Social Responsibility through the Share the Books program “Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia"

10 February 2022
SOHO Officially Announced MCK Donation in Nagrak District, Sukabumi

25 October 2021

28 June 2021
SOHO Global Health Holds “Gotong Royong” Vaccination for Employees, Supports Acceleration of the National Health and Economic Recovery

31 March 2020
SOHO Donated Imboost Force worth Rp 1.5 Billion for the COVID-19 Medical Team through BNPB

24 August 2019
Every Child Can Be A Star: SGH Supports “Pakars Mengajar 2019” in Sukamakmur Village, Mesuji, Lampung

12 July 2019
The Hype of Junior Scientist at PT SOHO Global Health

27 December 2017
SGH Share with Oma/Opa

12 October 2017
Free Medical Service in Nagrak, Sukabumi

15 February 2017
Free Medical Service at Gua Maria Kerep Ambarawa
Corporate Social Responsibility

25 October 2021
Jakarta, October 25th, 2021 – PT Soho Industri Pharmasi today handed over donation of 100,000 vials of Veklury® (remdesivir) from Gilead Sciences, Inc. to Ministry of Health (MoH) to support the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia.
“As cases of COVID-19 surge again around the world, and the pandemic continues to affect the lives of so many, we remain focused on ensuring that our medicines can reach patients that need them,” said Johanna Mercier, Chief Commercial Officer, Gilead Sciences. “These donations are the latest example of our ongoing commitment, and we will continue to work together with governments, health authorities and our voluntary licensing partners to ensure access to our medicines as quickly as possible.”
The Veklury donations will complement the supply of generic remdesivir provided through Gilead’s voluntary licensing program. Gilead is working closely with PT Soho Industri Pharmasi, a subsidiary of PT Soho Global Health, Tbk. (SOHO) and directly with the Governments of Indonesia to coordinate these donations. This donation handed over by Rogelio Paulino Jr. Castillo La O, President Director PT Soho Global Health, Tbk on behalf of Gilead to Drg. Arianti Anaya, MKM., Director General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (MoH).
“We really appreciate PT Soho Industri Pharmasi for the efforts to facilitate Indonesian government through the Ministry of Health with Gilead Sciences, Inc in the donation of Veklury® (remdesivir) intended for the treatment of COVID-19 in Indonesia,” said Drg. Arianti Anaya, MKM., Director General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices, MoH. Moreover, she said that the criteria determined for remdesivir recipients were the COVID-19 referral hospitals which have Isolation Room Facilities and Intensive Care Unit (ICU) considering that remdesivir is intended for COVID-19 patients with moderate to severe symptoms.
Meanwhile, said Catharina Siswanti Librawati, VP Alliance SOHO, SOHO's role as Gilead’s local distributor in Indonesia is to facilitate the Veklury® donation, given the fact that SOHO is Gilead's partner in selling and marketing of antivirus products in Indonesia."For this donation, SOHO fully supports Gilead’s initiative and facilitates each processes so that the implementation of Veklury® donation runs well and can support the treatment needs of COVID-19 patients in Indonesia," she said.
Gilead has previously donated at least 450,000 vials of Veklury to India, 10,000 vials of Veklury to Georgia and 3000 vials to Armenia. Veklury is approved or authorized for temporary use in approximately 50 countries worldwide. Gilead’s voluntary licensing program provides long-term licenses to nine manufacturers, to enable access to generic remdesivir in 127 countries, most of which are low- and low-middle income countries, including Indonesia. These licenses remain royalty-free, reflecting Gilead’s existing commitment to enabling broad patient access to remdesivir. Veklury and generic remdesivir have been made available to more than seven million patients around the world, including five million people in middle- and low-income countries through our voluntary licensing program.
list of media:

26 December 2024
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia 2024

28 June 2024
The Contribution of PT Soho Global Health Tbk in Supporting the Health Service Movement for Simultaneous Intervention to Prevent Stunting in Sukabumi

24 September 2023
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia program

24 July 2023
SOHO Global Health's Contribution to Stunting Prevention within the Company's Environment

20 July 2023
PT Soho Global Health Tbk's contribution to the handling of stunting in Nagrak District, Sukabumi, and the Sukabumi Sehat Program

08 July 2023
Collaboration of Curcuma Plus Towards a Stunting-Free Future with GPFI

05 July 2023
Junior Scientists 2023: Spark your Curious Mind

29 March 2023
SGH Group and Employees Shared Donations in the month of Ramadan 1444 H

17 June 2022
SGH Social Responsibility through the Share the Books program “Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia"

10 February 2022
SOHO Officially Announced MCK Donation in Nagrak District, Sukabumi

25 October 2021

28 June 2021
SOHO Global Health Holds “Gotong Royong” Vaccination for Employees, Supports Acceleration of the National Health and Economic Recovery

31 March 2020
SOHO Donated Imboost Force worth Rp 1.5 Billion for the COVID-19 Medical Team through BNPB

24 August 2019
Every Child Can Be A Star: SGH Supports “Pakars Mengajar 2019” in Sukamakmur Village, Mesuji, Lampung

12 July 2019
The Hype of Junior Scientist at PT SOHO Global Health

27 December 2017
SGH Share with Oma/Opa

12 October 2017
Free Medical Service in Nagrak, Sukabumi

15 February 2017
Free Medical Service at Gua Maria Kerep Ambarawa
Corporate Social Responsibility

28 June 2021
SOHO Global Health Holds “Gotong Royong” Vaccination for Employees, Supports Acceleration of the National Health and Economic Recovery
The COVID-19 pandemic that has lasted more than a year has not only had an impact on health but also the economy in Indonesia. The COVID-19 vaccine is a new hope for all countries as a solution for the pandemic. The Indonesian government has permitted the implementation of “Gotong Royong” Vaccination (VGR) for business players/companies so that the Indonesian economy can recover quickly. VGR is expected to accelerate and expand vaccination coverage to achieve herd immunity.
The implementation of the VGR was initiated by Kamar Dagang Indonesia / KADIN and in collaboration with PT. Bio Farma (Persero) as a vaccine manufacturer. In its implementation, SOHO Global Health appointed PT. Kimia Farma Diagnostika (KFD) as a Health Service Facility based on recommendations from PT. Bio Farma (Persero). The type of vaccine used in the implementation of the VGR is the Sinopharm vaccine.
SOHO Global Health, as a company operates in the healthcare sector, is committed to participate in VGR to accelerate the recovery of health and the national economy. Monday, June 28, 2021 at the factory area of PT. Soho Industri Pharmasi on Jl. Pulogadung No. 6, SOHO Global Health marked the implementation of the first batch of VGR which was given to 500 employees and families who are located in the Greater Jakarta area.
The event started at 8:00 am with a session of the opening ceremony and the initial stage of vaccination for the management represented by DR. Raphael Aswin – Vice President of Research & Development, Regulatory, and Medical Affairs, Bapak Sugiharjo – Vice President of Medical Healthcare (who was also attend the vaccination program with his wife), and Ibu Catharina Siswanti Librawati – Vice President of Alliance.
"SOHO's vision in participating in the VGR program is to protect employees and their families, as well as to create "herd immunity" in the community/Indonesia in the fight against COVID-19," said DR. Raphael Aswin in his remarks at the ceremony session.
On the same occasion, Ibu Catharina S. Librawati said, "In addition, SOHO management also reminds us to continue to follow the 5M health protocols namely wearing masks (it is recommended to use double masks), washing hands, maintaining distance, avoiding crowds, and reducing mobility. This process needs to be maintained during the vaccination process and after vaccination.
Furthermore, Bapak Sugiharjo also added in his remarks about the importance of health and vaccination is part of achieving good health to avoid COVID-19. In addition, he also reminded the importance of taking supplements, and SOHO is a producer of vitamins/supplements including Imboost Force/Regular, Curcuma Force, Boost D (vitamin D) and Cester (vitamin C).
The event then continued with the implementation of vaccinations for employees (and their families) who started to arrive on-site according to the time allotted by the committee. Limiting the number of participants present in the vaccination area is indeed arranged to prevent crowds and ensure the 5M health protocol is implemented with discipline. The flow of vaccination includes: pre-registration by the SOHO team, continued to the vaccinator area, namely KFD, which begins with registration, screening/anamnesis, and vaccine injection, then ends with observation of Post-Immunization Adverse Events (AEFI).
The series of events for the first batch of the SGH “Gotong Royong” Vaccination was run smoothly, following the 5M health protocol and ended at 5 pm. The success of this event was the result of hard efforts of the committee team who in a short time prepared all facilities and equipment for vaccination in coordination with various parties. After this first batch vaccination, SGH will continue to coordinate with KADIN and Bio Farma for the next batches of vaccination for SGH employees.
The COVID-19 vaccination does help increase immunity to fight viral infections, but don't be careless after getting the vaccine, we are not immune from COVID-19 infection. More important is implementing a healthy lifestyle and continuing to be disciplined in implementing the 5M health protocol: Wearing masks, Washing hands with soap and running water, Keeping a distance, Staying away from crowds, and Limiting mobilization and interaction.
Let's together protect ourselves and our families to break the chain of COVID-19 transmission and support the acceleration of national health and economic recovery.

26 December 2024
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia 2024

28 June 2024
The Contribution of PT Soho Global Health Tbk in Supporting the Health Service Movement for Simultaneous Intervention to Prevent Stunting in Sukabumi

24 September 2023
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia program

24 July 2023
SOHO Global Health's Contribution to Stunting Prevention within the Company's Environment

20 July 2023
PT Soho Global Health Tbk's contribution to the handling of stunting in Nagrak District, Sukabumi, and the Sukabumi Sehat Program

08 July 2023
Collaboration of Curcuma Plus Towards a Stunting-Free Future with GPFI

05 July 2023
Junior Scientists 2023: Spark your Curious Mind

29 March 2023
SGH Group and Employees Shared Donations in the month of Ramadan 1444 H

17 June 2022
SGH Social Responsibility through the Share the Books program “Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia"

10 February 2022
SOHO Officially Announced MCK Donation in Nagrak District, Sukabumi

25 October 2021

28 June 2021
SOHO Global Health Holds “Gotong Royong” Vaccination for Employees, Supports Acceleration of the National Health and Economic Recovery

31 March 2020
SOHO Donated Imboost Force worth Rp 1.5 Billion for the COVID-19 Medical Team through BNPB

24 August 2019
Every Child Can Be A Star: SGH Supports “Pakars Mengajar 2019” in Sukamakmur Village, Mesuji, Lampung

12 July 2019
The Hype of Junior Scientist at PT SOHO Global Health

27 December 2017
SGH Share with Oma/Opa

12 October 2017
Free Medical Service in Nagrak, Sukabumi

15 February 2017
Free Medical Service at Gua Maria Kerep Ambarawa
Corporate Social Responsibility

31 March 2020
SOHO Donated Imboost Force worth Rp 1.5 Billion for the COVID-19 Medical Team through BNPB
Jakarta, March 31, 2020 - PT SOHO Global Health, a leading national healthcare company with a more than 70-year history, held a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program titled "Solidarity Imboost Care". SOHO handed over Imboost Force donation worth Rp 1.5 billion to medical team through The National Disaster Management Authority (BNPB).
The donation was handed over at Graha BNPB, Jakarta, on Tuesday (3/30/2020) by Yuly Indarto, Strategy Management & Corporate Affairs SOHO Global Health to the Head of BNPB, Letjen Doni Monardo. Witnessed the occasion was Widya Y. Putri, Imboost & OTC Products Marketing Manager and Andre Rahadian, Chairman of the University of Indonesia Alumni Association who is also the Chairperson of Medical and Non-Medical Volunteers at BNPB.
Yuly explained, "We appreciate BNPB colleagues who are leading the Task Force for the Corona Virus Handling Acceleration or Covid-19. Appreciation is certainly not enough for all the hard work, relentless effort and dedication of the Task Force and medical teams who fought in the frontline for handling the Covid-19 pandemic."
Therefore, showcased our solidarity and support to the team at the forefront, SOHO is committed to contribute in dealing with this Covid-19 pandemic. As an initial stage, SOHO donated Imboost Force products worth Rp 1.5 billion to BNPB.
"We remain committed to assisting the frontline team in handling Covid-19, including donating products needed by the medical personnel and community. Among them, by donating PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) for the medical team in the near future," she said.
Meanwhile, Doni revealed, "We are grateful for the assistance that SOHO has provided in supporting the work of field workers and medical teams. Hopefully this kind of solidarity and support can be followed by others, so that their morale (officers in the field and medical team- -red) can be maintained because they are the foremost people in handling Covid-19. "
He further explained, the distribution of the Imboost Force donation from SOHO will be arranged by the Volunteer Team at BNPB, headed by Andre. "Of course, the distribution will be prioritized for the medical team, the healthcare team, including field officers such as ambulance drivers," concluded Doni.
News Link:
- MNC Trijaya.com: https://mnctrijaya.com/news/detail/30983/soho-serahkan-donasi-produk-imboost-force-senilai-rp-15-miliar
- Marketing.co.id: https://marketing.co.id/soho-donasikan-imboost-force-senilai-rp15-miliar-kepada-bnpb/
- Investor Daily: https://investor.id/lifestyle/soho-serahkan-donasi-produk-rp-15-miliar-kepada-bnpb
- Mix.co.id: https://mix.co.id/corporate-social-initiative/csr/lawan-corona-soho-donasikan-imboost-force-senilai-rp-15-miliar/
- Berita satu: https://www.beritasatu.com/kesehatan/615605/dukung-gugus-tugas-soho-serahkan-donasi-rp-15-miliar
- Media Indonesia: https://mediaindonesia.com/read/detail/300548-bnpb-apresiasi-para-pendonor-untuk-tim-medis-covid-19
- Liputan 6: https://m.liputan6.com/health/read/4216536/bnpb-terima-donasi-produk-suplemen-senilai-rp15-miliar-untuk-nakes-covid-19

26 December 2024
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia 2024

28 June 2024
The Contribution of PT Soho Global Health Tbk in Supporting the Health Service Movement for Simultaneous Intervention to Prevent Stunting in Sukabumi

24 September 2023
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia program

24 July 2023
SOHO Global Health's Contribution to Stunting Prevention within the Company's Environment

20 July 2023
PT Soho Global Health Tbk's contribution to the handling of stunting in Nagrak District, Sukabumi, and the Sukabumi Sehat Program

08 July 2023
Collaboration of Curcuma Plus Towards a Stunting-Free Future with GPFI

05 July 2023
Junior Scientists 2023: Spark your Curious Mind

29 March 2023
SGH Group and Employees Shared Donations in the month of Ramadan 1444 H

17 June 2022
SGH Social Responsibility through the Share the Books program “Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia"

10 February 2022
SOHO Officially Announced MCK Donation in Nagrak District, Sukabumi

25 October 2021

28 June 2021
SOHO Global Health Holds “Gotong Royong” Vaccination for Employees, Supports Acceleration of the National Health and Economic Recovery

31 March 2020
SOHO Donated Imboost Force worth Rp 1.5 Billion for the COVID-19 Medical Team through BNPB

24 August 2019
Every Child Can Be A Star: SGH Supports “Pakars Mengajar 2019” in Sukamakmur Village, Mesuji, Lampung

12 July 2019
The Hype of Junior Scientist at PT SOHO Global Health

27 December 2017
SGH Share with Oma/Opa

12 October 2017
Free Medical Service in Nagrak, Sukabumi

15 February 2017
Free Medical Service at Gua Maria Kerep Ambarawa
Corporate Social Responsibility

24 August 2019
Every Child Can Be A Star: SGH Supports “Pakars Mengajar 2019” in Sukamakmur Village, Mesuji, Lampung
In accordance with the Purpose and Vision of SGH, to hold the care of human life as our highest priority, we are a company that values the well-being of the community and promotes a healthy lifestyle in a socially responsible way, SGH supports a program called “Pakars Mengajar 2019” organized by Yayasan Visi Indonesia in Sukamakmur Village, Mesuji, Lampung, through the donation of one of its flagship products, Fitkom.
The program was held on August 23-24, 2019, with one of the sub-activities being the Inspiration Class aimed for students in grades 1-6 of Sukamakmur Elementary School with the purpose for every child to dream big and to create hope to achieve his/her ambition by breaking through all impossibilities and shortcomings, which in turn can create a tremendous impact for the nation.
Attended by 128 elementary school students and divided into 4 classes, the Inspiration Class activity created lots of enthusiasm. Volunteers from various professions including doctors, architects, HSE staff, water-researchers, CEOs, data-analysts, among other, explain their field of work using interesting props or demonstrations for an easier understanding by the elementary school children.
This Inspirational Class ended with each of the children written their ambitions/dreams to become on a piece of paper decorated with stars they made themselves using colorful spray paint. Happy expressions revealed on the faces of the students. To make their happiness more perfect, each of the children granted Fitkom Gummy Calcium. The donation of Fitkom Gummy Calcium is in accordance with children’s needs to help meet their nutritional intake (multivitamins and minerals) so that children grow healthy, active, intelligent, and can realize their dreams and become stars, just like the star image on the paper aspirations they had.
Regardless of their current situation, every child must have equal opportunity and must build their hope to become a person who has an extraordinary impact for their country in the future. This can only be realized with such great power of God and sufficient health to support their optimal growth.

26 December 2024
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia 2024

28 June 2024
The Contribution of PT Soho Global Health Tbk in Supporting the Health Service Movement for Simultaneous Intervention to Prevent Stunting in Sukabumi

24 September 2023
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia program

24 July 2023
SOHO Global Health's Contribution to Stunting Prevention within the Company's Environment

20 July 2023
PT Soho Global Health Tbk's contribution to the handling of stunting in Nagrak District, Sukabumi, and the Sukabumi Sehat Program

08 July 2023
Collaboration of Curcuma Plus Towards a Stunting-Free Future with GPFI

05 July 2023
Junior Scientists 2023: Spark your Curious Mind

29 March 2023
SGH Group and Employees Shared Donations in the month of Ramadan 1444 H

17 June 2022
SGH Social Responsibility through the Share the Books program “Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia"

10 February 2022
SOHO Officially Announced MCK Donation in Nagrak District, Sukabumi

25 October 2021

28 June 2021
SOHO Global Health Holds “Gotong Royong” Vaccination for Employees, Supports Acceleration of the National Health and Economic Recovery

31 March 2020
SOHO Donated Imboost Force worth Rp 1.5 Billion for the COVID-19 Medical Team through BNPB

24 August 2019
Every Child Can Be A Star: SGH Supports “Pakars Mengajar 2019” in Sukamakmur Village, Mesuji, Lampung

12 July 2019
The Hype of Junior Scientist at PT SOHO Global Health

27 December 2017
SGH Share with Oma/Opa

12 October 2017
Free Medical Service in Nagrak, Sukabumi

15 February 2017
Free Medical Service at Gua Maria Kerep Ambarawa
Corporate Social Responsibility

12 July 2019
The Hype of Junior Scientist at PT SOHO Global Health
Jakarta (12/07) – Unusual atmosphere took place in the lobby of PT SOHO Industri Pharmasi, Jl Pulogadung No.6. The crowd of children aged 5-10 years gracing the Junior Scientists SOHO event. Some kids were busy discussing, read books, sing yells, and there were also kids happily selfies and making jokes while waiting for the start of the program at 9am sharp.
On July 4 and July 11, 2019 for the first time SOHO held a Junior Scientists event as part of PT SOHO Global Health's CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) program. The event, which was initiated and held for the first time in 2019, is intended to make the use of school holidays for children with educative activities. This first opportunity was dedicated to SOHO employees who enthusiastically welcome this program. The registration was filled up quickly so that the event was attended by 40 participants (divided into 2 batches).
The program which is planned to be held annually aims to provide education about the world of science through various scientific activities in the R & D laboratory. "We hope children will experience for themselves how exciting the world of science is. SCIENCE is FUN, "said DR. Raphael Aswin, VP of R & D SOHO Global Health in his remarks which at the same time opened this Junior Scientists event.
In his remarks Dr. Aswin teaches the importance of science in everyday life and especially science for our health. "The junior scientists here need to imagine living without lights, without refrigerators, and the scariest ... without cellphones, and without medicine when we are sick," explained Dr. Aswin to all children who participated in Junior Scientists batch 1 and 2.
The program then continued with a series of exciting activities in the R & D lab through a lab touring session in the grey area where children wore lab overalls and watched the making of Fitkom tablets, then the activity continued in the Sensory Lab where children were introduced to various flavors and colors by our R & D scientists who are very patient in guiding children.
The event break between lab sessions and non-lab sessions was filled with snack time and drinking Curcuma Plus milk which turned out to be very popular among participants because it tastes very good. Not a few children add more and more Curcuma Plus milk. After snack time, the children continue the non-lab activities that are not less exciting. The most awaited "syrup making" and "bubble making" activities of the children took place with great fun. The children took home their own Curcuma Plus syrup made and were proud of their masterpiece. The next exciting activity is Fun Coloring with FITKOM. Almost all girls love Flo, the most beautiful and helpful Fitkom Ranger, while boys idolize the super smart Fin and the super strong Fred.
Science education from an early age is indeed very important to form a habit of curious mindset in children, so that after adulthood will create a strong and smart generation. It is our humble pride if after participating in this Junior Scientists children go home with big dreams to become "real scientists" when they grow up

26 December 2024
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia 2024

28 June 2024
The Contribution of PT Soho Global Health Tbk in Supporting the Health Service Movement for Simultaneous Intervention to Prevent Stunting in Sukabumi

24 September 2023
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia program

24 July 2023
SOHO Global Health's Contribution to Stunting Prevention within the Company's Environment

20 July 2023
PT Soho Global Health Tbk's contribution to the handling of stunting in Nagrak District, Sukabumi, and the Sukabumi Sehat Program

08 July 2023
Collaboration of Curcuma Plus Towards a Stunting-Free Future with GPFI

05 July 2023
Junior Scientists 2023: Spark your Curious Mind

29 March 2023
SGH Group and Employees Shared Donations in the month of Ramadan 1444 H

17 June 2022
SGH Social Responsibility through the Share the Books program “Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia"

10 February 2022
SOHO Officially Announced MCK Donation in Nagrak District, Sukabumi

25 October 2021

28 June 2021
SOHO Global Health Holds “Gotong Royong” Vaccination for Employees, Supports Acceleration of the National Health and Economic Recovery

31 March 2020
SOHO Donated Imboost Force worth Rp 1.5 Billion for the COVID-19 Medical Team through BNPB

24 August 2019
Every Child Can Be A Star: SGH Supports “Pakars Mengajar 2019” in Sukamakmur Village, Mesuji, Lampung

12 July 2019
The Hype of Junior Scientist at PT SOHO Global Health

27 December 2017
SGH Share with Oma/Opa

12 October 2017
Free Medical Service in Nagrak, Sukabumi

15 February 2017
Free Medical Service at Gua Maria Kerep Ambarawa
Corporate Social Responsibility

27 December 2017
SGH Share with Oma/Opa
Wednesday, December 13, 2017 SGH employees who volunteer to participate in CSR Sharing event with Oma / Opa leave for Bogor, West Java. The event was held in 2 nursing homes in Bogor, which is located nearby: Panti Werdha Kasih Karunia, and Panti Werdha Graha Bina Asuh.
In this sharing opportunity SGH team brought goodie bag contains of various snacks and Soho products that are useful for the elderly. It was an exciting event amidst the Christmas atmosphere. All participants were happy to sing and play fun activities during the event that was held from morning to mid day.
Towards noon SGH team also had lunch together with Oma / Opa while hearing them sharing stories. Although not yet known each other but the communication went smoothly and Oma / Opa seemed very happy accompanied by young persons who enthusiastically heard the stories from Oma / Opa.
It was a pleasant experience and a touching moment having the opportunity to share love with Oma / Opa.

26 December 2024
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia 2024

28 June 2024
The Contribution of PT Soho Global Health Tbk in Supporting the Health Service Movement for Simultaneous Intervention to Prevent Stunting in Sukabumi

24 September 2023
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia program

24 July 2023
SOHO Global Health's Contribution to Stunting Prevention within the Company's Environment

20 July 2023
PT Soho Global Health Tbk's contribution to the handling of stunting in Nagrak District, Sukabumi, and the Sukabumi Sehat Program

08 July 2023
Collaboration of Curcuma Plus Towards a Stunting-Free Future with GPFI

05 July 2023
Junior Scientists 2023: Spark your Curious Mind

29 March 2023
SGH Group and Employees Shared Donations in the month of Ramadan 1444 H

17 June 2022
SGH Social Responsibility through the Share the Books program “Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia"

10 February 2022
SOHO Officially Announced MCK Donation in Nagrak District, Sukabumi

25 October 2021

28 June 2021
SOHO Global Health Holds “Gotong Royong” Vaccination for Employees, Supports Acceleration of the National Health and Economic Recovery

31 March 2020
SOHO Donated Imboost Force worth Rp 1.5 Billion for the COVID-19 Medical Team through BNPB

24 August 2019
Every Child Can Be A Star: SGH Supports “Pakars Mengajar 2019” in Sukamakmur Village, Mesuji, Lampung

12 July 2019
The Hype of Junior Scientist at PT SOHO Global Health

27 December 2017
SGH Share with Oma/Opa

12 October 2017
Free Medical Service in Nagrak, Sukabumi

15 February 2017
Free Medical Service at Gua Maria Kerep Ambarawa
Corporate Social Responsibility

12 October 2017
Free Medical Service in Nagrak, Sukabumi
Jakarta (20/10) - SOHO Global Health conducted a community service in the form of free medical treatment on Thursday last week, October 12th, 2017 in collaboration with Nagrak Community Health Center (Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat / “Puskesmas”), located at Cihanjawar Village meeting hall (“Balai Desa”), Nagrak, Sukabumi to commemorate the 72nd anniversary of Sukabumi district on October 1st.
The community service we conducted was quite a successful event as we coordinated closely with many parties involved from Nagrak, sub-district, Nagrak police dept, Cihanjawar village officers, and most importantly medical personnel and staff from Nagrak “Puskesmas”.
The enthusiasm of local community was seen through the number of participants who registered as patients of this free medical service - reached 420 patients including adults and children. Located at Cihanjawar “Balai Desa”, Nagrak sub-district, Sukabumi, the free medical service was conducted near to plantation and herbal research facility owned by the Company, SOHO Center of Excellence in Herbal Research (SCEHR). Approximately 20 farmers who work at our curcuma plantation joined this social event and reap the benefit of this free medical service.

26 December 2024
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia 2024

28 June 2024
The Contribution of PT Soho Global Health Tbk in Supporting the Health Service Movement for Simultaneous Intervention to Prevent Stunting in Sukabumi

24 September 2023
Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia program

24 July 2023
SOHO Global Health's Contribution to Stunting Prevention within the Company's Environment

20 July 2023
PT Soho Global Health Tbk's contribution to the handling of stunting in Nagrak District, Sukabumi, and the Sukabumi Sehat Program

08 July 2023
Collaboration of Curcuma Plus Towards a Stunting-Free Future with GPFI

05 July 2023
Junior Scientists 2023: Spark your Curious Mind

29 March 2023
SGH Group and Employees Shared Donations in the month of Ramadan 1444 H

17 June 2022
SGH Social Responsibility through the Share the Books program “Hope for Sumba Hope for Indonesia"

10 February 2022
SOHO Officially Announced MCK Donation in Nagrak District, Sukabumi

25 October 2021

28 June 2021
SOHO Global Health Holds “Gotong Royong” Vaccination for Employees, Supports Acceleration of the National Health and Economic Recovery

31 March 2020
SOHO Donated Imboost Force worth Rp 1.5 Billion for the COVID-19 Medical Team through BNPB

24 August 2019
Every Child Can Be A Star: SGH Supports “Pakars Mengajar 2019” in Sukamakmur Village, Mesuji, Lampung

12 July 2019
The Hype of Junior Scientist at PT SOHO Global Health

27 December 2017
SGH Share with Oma/Opa

12 October 2017
Free Medical Service in Nagrak, Sukabumi

15 February 2017
Free Medical Service at Gua Maria Kerep Ambarawa
Corporate Social Responsibility

15 February 2017
Free Medical Service at Gua Maria Kerep Ambarawa
SOHO Global Health continued to support social activities at Gua Maria Kerep Ambarawa, Semarang, by supporting free medical service. This is the 12th time SGH supported the annual social event that was held on 18-19 February 2017 to commemorate “World Day of the Sick”.
The event was opened by Father Fx. Sukendar, Diocesan Administrator of Semarang Archdiocese accompanied by Muspika (a sub-district organization) of Ambarawa. The free medical service was also supported by 80 medical practitioners, general practitioners, medical specialists, and dentists from Kariadi Hospital, Panti Wilasa Semarang Hospital as well as medical doctors from Ambarawa and nurses from Elisabeth Hospital and assisted by psychiatrist from UnikaSoegijapranata.
During the event, participants could do laboratory check and if any medicine should be consumed, SOHO Global Health and other pharmaceutical companies from Semarang, Solo, Bandung and Jakarta supplied them. For pharmaceutical activities, pharmacists from Pharmacy Foundation and Vocational School & Academy of Theresiana Semarang managed the distribution. Besides, there was minor surgery to 25 patients who needed.
The high enthusiast of the locals appeared by the numbers who came reaching 1.750 people. Therefore, the supervisor team of Gua Maria Kerep Ambarawa in community service division wished to continue the event annually.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
10 July 2023
SGH’s Commitment to Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in the Workplace
Each of us has a responsibility to address diversity, equity, inclusion, and respect the dignity of the individual. SGH provides equal opportunities regardless of differences, and treats employees with respect, fairness, and equality.Latest

10 July 2023
SGH’s Commitment to Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in the Workplace
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

10 July 2023
SGH’s Commitment to Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in the Workplace
Aligned with one of our core values “mutual respect”, SGH values diversity in team collaboration and fosters a sustainable relationship of mutual trust in everything we do.
We all want and deserve a workplace where each of us is respected and valued for our unique skills and backgrounds. SGH provides equal opportunities and applies fair treatment in the process of hiring, developing, and promoting employees.
SGH is committed to providing a workplace that respects diversity and differences such as race, religion, gender, culture, age, ethnicity, education, etc. to ensure all employees are treated fairly and respectfully. We believe if every skill is used properly and every voice is heard, positive change will occur consistently.
We are committed to creating a workplace that values opinions, recognizes and rewards every employee. The company does not tolerate discrimination or harassment in the workplace. We encourage all employees to continue to excel amidst individual diversity. All levels of Management and Employees are required to keep their workplace free from discrimination, harassment and intimidation. If an employee experiences or feels that they are experiencing any of these things, he or she can talk to Human Resources.