Curcuma Plus milk is also enriched with the natural goodness of organic curcuma extract which has been known to improve appetite
Helps meet your little one's nutritional needs during growth and development and to help improve appetite
Natural Extracts of Curcuma (Temulawak), Full Cream Milk and Skim Milk, Protein, Calcium, Fiber, 11 Vitamins & 3 Minerals, Fish Oil, Choline, Inositol, Zinc and Iron
Minimum 2 glass/cup/day (4 tsp ± 35g)
180gr, 350gr & 750gr (Vanilla, Chocolate, and Honey)
Curcuma Plus Milk Fruit & Veggie contain all the nutrient found in reguler variant. In addition, enriched with Fruit and Vegetable extract such as Carrot, Broccoli, Spinach, Strawberry and Kiwi as a source of vitamin and natural fiber. Perfect combination of the nutrients in Curcuma Plus Milk help to optimize digestion and support optimal growth
New Zealand Full Cream Milk, Natural Extract Curcuma, Vitamin & Mineral, Zinc, DHA, Protein, Calsium, Inulin, Choline, Taurine, Inositol. Fruit & Veggie Extract
Minimum 2 glass/cup/day (4 tsp ± 35g)
350gr & 750gr(Chocolate and Vanilla)
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