Contains 10 vitamins to help meet children's daily vitamin needs, as well as help growth and maintain children's health.
Contains Vitamins A, C, B1, B3 and B6 and contains vitamins B2, B7, B12, D and E
1 sachet per day
Sachet Zip-Lock 21 gram and Box 48 gram
Confectionery jelly with various flavors (Lychee, Orange, Blackcurrant, Strawberry)
Multivitamin for children in the form of lozenges to help meet the vitamin and mineral needs of children at the growing age and maintain children's health. Product Benefit: Range of flavour, cute star shape, Market leader in Kids Multivitamin Category, and reasonable price
Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, D3, E and Calcium mineral
Above 2 years old: 3 times daily @ 1 tablet
Strawberry, Grape, and Orange (1 bottle : 21 tablet)
2 years
Contains a combination of Vitamin C and Zinc to help meet daily needs and help maintain children's health
High in Vitamin C and Zinc
1 sachet per day
Sachet Zip-Lock 24 gram
Confectionery jelly with various flavors (Lychee, Orange, Blackcurrant, Strawberry)
Contains a combination of Calcium and high Vitamin D to help maintain healthy bones and teeth
Is a source of calcium and high in vitamin D.
1 sachet per day
Available in Sachet @ 16 gr
Various Flavors of Confectionery Jelly (Strawberry, Orange, Apple, Blackcurrant, Peach, Lemon)
Contains 7 fruit and 4 vegetable extracts to help meet children's fruit and vegetable needs
Contains: Strawberry, Orange, Mango, Papaya, Apple, Banana, Tomato fruit extracts and vegetable extracts of Carrots, Spinach, Broccoli and Cabbage.
1 sachet per day
Sachet Zip Lock 21 gram and Box 48 gram
With delicious fruity flavors (Strawberry, Orange, Blackcurrant, Lychee)
Kids Multivitamins in gummy format with fun transportation shape & yummy taste that contains Vit B complex as Energy Source
Vitamin B1, B3, B6 and B12, Vitamin E
1 sachet per day
Mixed flavor delicious gummy with high nutritious vitamin C for fun and healthy kids
Vitamin C
Sachet @ 8 gram
Children's vitamins in lozenge format with a complete combination to help maintain children's immune system
Vitamin C 125 mg, Vit D3 100 IU, Zinc 2.5 mg
3 times daily @ 1 tablet
Bottle 21 tablet
Orange and Grape
Children's multivitamin in lozenge format to help maintain children's health
Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, D, E dan Kalsium
3 times daily @ 1 tablet
Bottle 21 tablet
Health Supplements to help maintain bone health during the growth period (7-14 years)
Each Tablet consist of: Vitamin B1, B2, B6, C, D3, K2, Calcium and Magnesium
Teens (7-14 years old): 1 chewable tablet twice a day
Bottle 21 tablet
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