Improves serum level 25(OH)D in the blood in conditions of vitamin D deficiency in various conditions, such as cases of infection, osteoporosis, hypertension, diabetes, immune disorders, and pregnancy
Each Tablet contains: Cholecalciferol 5000 IU equal to Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) 125 mcg
Adult and child above 12 years old: 1 chewable tablet 1 per day. Dosage need to be adjusted according to serum level 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25(OH)D) and not exceed 5000IU/day
Box, 3 strip @ 10 chewable tablet
Fulfill the need for Vitamin D quickly in certain conditions such as the elderly, pregnant and lactating women, high risk or people with infectious diseases or people with autoimmune diseases
Vitamin D3 1000IU
1 tablet daily
Box, 3 Strip @ 10 Tablet
To maintain immune system and supplementation for Vitamin C, D3 and Zinc
Every 5ml consist of: Vitamin C 100mg, Vitamin D3 400 IU, and Zinc 10mg
1-6years old: 1 time daily half teaspoon (or 2.5ml). 7-12years old: 1 time daily 1 teaspoon (or 5ml)
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